Can Trump Run For President

Donald Trump Convicted on All 34 Felony Charges

Can the Former President Still Run for Office?

A New York jury has found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony charges of falsifying business records. This is the culmination of a long investigation into the Trump Organization's payments to two women who alleged that they had affairs with Trump. Trump has denied any wrongdoing, but the jury found him guilty of knowingly and intentionally falsifying business records in order to conceal these payments.

The Conviction's Impact on Trump's Political Future

This conviction raises serious questions about Trump's political future. The Constitution sets very few eligibility requirements for running for president, but it does state that no person who "shall have been impeached and convicted" shall be eligible for the office of president. Trump has not been impeached, but he has been convicted of a felony. It is unclear whether this conviction would prevent him from running for president in the future.

Trump has not yet announced whether he plans to run for president in 2024, but he has hinted that he may. If he does run, he will face an uphill battle. He will have to convince voters that he is still fit to hold office, despite his felony conviction. He will also have to contend with the fact that he is deeply unpopular among many Americans.

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